Saturday, January 10, 2009

No Pics this week

We are in San Antonio until next Friday and I forgot my card reader for my camera. So while I do plan on taking some pics while we're here, I won't be able to post them until we get back home. I'm still going to try to keep up the blog, but will have to post the pics later. You can all just use your imaginations!

Something funny that Erica started doing the other day... we were all sitting down eating dinner and Erica started going all "cookie monster" on her food! She was making quite a mess, so I suggested she ate like a princess! Pinky out! So I showed her how all princesses eat with one pinky out to be dainty. Then I look over and she's shoveling her food in with one hand, and holding her other hand up in the air, pinky out! I am definitely going to have to try to get a pic of that!

So yesterday we set off for San Antonio. The first road trip in our new van. I let the girls have the backseat, and I sat in the middle with Graham. We didn't time our trip like I would have liked. I would have preferred to feed Graham right before we left, so that he could spend the first leg of the trip being happy and/or sleeping. Then when we stop halfway (at dinnertime), I could feed him again while we ate, and then he'd be happy/sleeping again for the 2nd leg of the trip. BUT, Eric had other plans. So we had to wake Graham up from his good nap, and then I fed him in the car. Which sucks, because I can't burp him so he gets really fussy. And then when we stopped to eat and he used up all his happy time and was pretty fussy for the rest of the trip. BUT, we made it. And we get to do it all again next week on the way home! YAY! lol


  1. That's hilarious that she continued to pig out with that pinky up! Sierra was a total pig while eating (still is for a 3 year old)- drives me crazy. I should try telling her to eat like a princess! Great idea :)

  2. Your setup in the van is a lot like ours. If we're going somewhere "far", Peyton goes way in the back, and I stay in the middle row with Emmy and Hudson just in case of a meltdown. Hudson is a horrible car-tripper, so I almost always end up having to entertain him, give him a bottle, or shovel snacks into his mouth just to make things tolerable. Glad you made it in one piece!! ;c)
    I think it's so funny that all of us are looking to move within this same time frame. You'd better post pictures of your house when you find one! I bet you guys are stoked to be moving into a bigger place, as well.
    Oh, and I thought of you the other day when I realized how out of control Peyton's commercial obsession has become. I NEED to do a little blog post about it!
