Saturday, February 27, 2010

some pics of Leah

Here are some pics I just got off my camera. Not a whole lot to blog about, which is good since I don't have much time to blog anyway. Things are going ok. We're all tired, but managing. I'm having trouble getting her to latch and nurse effeciently, so I've been pumping. Luckily, my supply seems to be doing well and I'm well ahead of her, so hopefully I can get in to see a LC this week and get things going in the right direction. I'll also try to get my birth story written soon.

Last belly pic 40w

Just delivered

with Mommy

with Daddy


with Nana





going home

home photo shoot

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome Leah Katelyn!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Leah Katelyn is here! She was born on 2/22/10 at 11:17pm. She is 8lbs 4 oz (our smallest!) and 21" (and our longest!). We are still at the hospital and will probably go home tomorrow morning. Everything went well and we're all doing great!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Once I turned 37 weeks I was SO anxious to go into labor. I don't know if it was because my dr. kept "reminding" me that I was full term and that it was ok for the baby to come at any time. Or that I was ready to meet Miss Leah finally. But after a week or overanalyzing every little twinge and movement, I was getting really discouraged. I decided to change my frame of mind. Instead of praying that I would go into labor, I started praying for strength to get through the rest of the pregnancy. It was amazing to me that after I started praying for that, I did gain such a peace about it all. I had a rough few days there where I was in a lot of pain and discomfort, but it passed and I was totally fine still being pregnant. When I went for my 38w appt and the dr told me my cervix was still closed and high, I was not surprised, and I was ok with that. I haven't been too overly anxious, but just trying to enjoy the rest of this pregnancy. Then yesterday when I went for my appt. and found out I am 2-3cm, I was giddy! I couldn't believe I'd already progressed that much in just a week! And now I think it's getting the better of me. I am SO anxious to just go into labor already and get the show on the road! I am trying really hard to stay patient, but as my due date approaches, and as I think more about how ready my body seems to be, I just can't help but feel like "come on already!". It's taking all I have to just sit back and relax and not think about having this baby RIGHT NOW. LOL I know she'll come when it's her time, but I just can't wait to meet her!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2-3cm and low

Music to my ears!!! I had my 39w appt today and my OB checked me. I'm 2-3cm and low. I know this doesn't mean I'm having this baby right now, but that's all progress that I don't have to labor through, so that makes me very happy! Any guesses on when this babe will come?

Funny Observation

So I've been thinking about the portraits we had taken recently (and I'm gonna get them sent out TODAY family, sorry for the delay!). I really really LOVE the one of Eric and I together.


I've gotten a lot of comments about what a great pic it is of us and how happy we look and I can't help but agree. I noticed that in most of the other ones, I look kind of blank.



And I couldn't figure out WHY I looked so much more happy and "real" in the pic of me and Eric. Then it dawned on me. In the family pics, I was pretty much just trying to freeze and hold my smile while the photographer got all the other kids to look at the camera at the same time and (unsuccessfully) all smile. Then I thought about when Eric and I were posing for our picture. We were there on the floor and the kids were running around the studio getting into all the props. Graham kept running in front of us as they'd take the pic. Then at one point he even ran over to us and threw a football in our faces! LOL I remember sitting there TRYING to keep a smile on my face without cracking up laughing completely. I guess the outcome was pretty good! I've decided that from now on when we get pics made I'm gonna try to remember this and think of something really funny to *almost* laugh about. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

39 weeks

I said through most of this pregnancy that even though I hoped I'd go "early" I really didn't think I'd go any earlier than a week early. Guess I was right. I also said I thought I'd go sometime between 39-40 weeks, but the closer I get to my due date, the better I feel, which makes me think I may go overdue. Who knows? Well, God knows, but He's not letting me know yet! lol


I'll have another appt with my OB on Wednesday. I'm sure she'll check my cervix again, and I may ask her to strip my membranes in hopes of getting something going down there. I had my membranes stripped at right around 39w with Erica, and went into labor just a few days later.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day 2010

We hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day. Remember, that God loves you more than any other man ever could!

Hobo Toes

Graham looked like a little hobo today. He stayed home in his footy pajamas all day. At the start of the day, there was one toe sticking out and by the end of the day he looked like this! HAHA! I think it's time to retire these 18 month sleepers!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

38 weeks

I had my appt. today. I didn't gain any weight since last week! Everything was looking good. She checked my cervix and it's still closed. That didn't surprise me. She said we'll see if I make it to next week. I'm sure I will.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

37 weeks

I had another dr. appt. today and everything is looking good. I've only gained 17lbs., which I am SO happy about. I do tend to gain most of it at the end, so hopefully not too much longer! They did an u/s to check on size and the baby is already around 8lbs. No signs that she's ready to come out yet though. I'm feeling uncomfortable, but not too bad. I still have an innie! And so far I have no new stretch marks! That's a first! Of course, I could still have several weeks left to grow. I will not give in to an induction. I will not give in to an induction. I will not give in to an induction. I'm just going to keep chanting that to myself!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Diaper Shower

When I found out that we were moving to San Antonio, I wasn't very happy about it. I knew it would be a great opportunity for Eric, work wise, so I was supportive of it. But I was not looking forward to leaving all of our family, our church family, and friends. I don't like making new friends. I find it hard to make friends and I just don't like it. Right after we moved here, Eric left for 2 mos for a school in Mississippi. I visited a few churches with the kids while he was gone, but didn't find anywhere I REALLY liked until the week before he returned. Then when he got back, we visited that church again together. We really really liked it and decided we'd keep attending and try to get plugged in. I can't even explain to you what a blessing it has been. We have made some great friends there and so have our kids. We have a FANTASTIC Sunday school class. The kids have a great time at Awanas. And I have been involved in MOPS for the first time. Not to mention the other bible study and ministry involvement we've been able to be a part of. We are so thankful for this new church family that has welcomed us into San Antonio!

On that note, our FANTASTIC Sunday school class threw us a Diaper Shower on Sunday. We met at a member's house after church and had a chili cook-off, hot dogs for the kids, and yummy desserts! We were showered with packs of diapers and even a few other thoughtful gifts! I just feel so blessed that we have such thoughtful friends who want to help us celebrate a 4th baby! I brought my camera with me and even toted it around on my shoulder for half the party and didn't take a single pic! I did get Eric to take a pic of me with our loot before we left! Just 3 more weeks until my due date!
