Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 months old

I'm a few days late, but I've been soooo busy the past few days I haven't had a chance to take pictures or blog. Graham turned 3 months old on Saturday! I can't believe how fast he's growing!

At Three Months Old, Graham:
eats 6-8 times a day (formula in a bottle)
sleeps 8-10 hours at night
wears size 3-6 mos clothes
wears a size 2 diaper
"talks" a lot, when he wants to
has rolled over front to back a few times, on accident
is just starting to laugh
does NOT like to be away from home for long and lets you know it!
sleeps in his own crib in his own room for most of the night every night
cannot sleep without his pacifier, but doesn't really want it during his awake time
is Natalie's favorite person, and the feeling is mutual
loves to lay in his crib and watch his "friends" on his mobile
still likes his swing, but is starting to tire of it
likes sitting in his bumbo at the table while we eat dinner
still HATES his carseat, but does better in it than he used to
weighs around 15 lbs.




And in this one, the flash was really bright, so you can see how blue his eyes still are. Now, Natalie's were still blueish at this age too, so I'm not holding out much hope on his staying blue.

1 comment:

  1. He is so handsome. He looks like he's such a perfect weight.
    I'm glad he's starting to laugh. That is the best phase!
    Does he wake up often for his pacifier or does he just need it first falling to sleep?
    Payson wakes up all night long wanting me to put his pacifier back in.
    I love that you put him in the bumbo while you guys eat! That's a good idea, so he feels like part of everything :)
