Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Just a fly by update of our check up appt this morning for Graham and Erica.

Graham is 22.75lbs and 30.5". He is hitting all his milestones as he should be. Doing great!

Erica is 34lbs and 39". I'm going to take her to a dermatologist for her eczema. We're doing all the typical things and it's just not clearing up. She also has a mole on her scalp, right in her hairline, that doesn't seem to be getting any bigger, but the dr. mentions it at each appt, so it's worth getting checked out too. I'm also going to be taking Erica and Natalie to a speech pathologist to get checked out. Erica is still pretty hard to understand by most people. I can get most of what she says, but it's hard sometimes. She just doesn't pronounce things right. Natalie has outgrown all of her mispronunciations except for her hard and soft th sounds. She still says them wrong and it's starting to affect her reading/spelling because she tries to spell words the way she says them. Like birthday is birfday and that is dat. Erica did get her hearing checked and she passed just fine. I was a little worried about that. She has the speech issues, she sits really close to the tv, she talks REALLY loud, and she makes us repeat ourselves a lot. Any of those things on their own I wouldn't worry about at all, she is 4 year old afterall. But all together just made me go hmmm. The dr. did say that there is more extensive hearing testing they can do, but to see what the speech pathologist has to say first.

It was a long appt, but the kids did great. Erica and Graham both got some shots, so they weren't happy campers at the end. And then they were out of lollipops!!! End of the world! I told Erica she could pick whatever she wanted for lunch and we'd get it on the way home and she said she just wanted to go home and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Love her!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Erica's 4th Birthday Party #2 and misc.

We went to Houston for the weekend. On Saturday we got together with Eric's extended family for our annual Thanksgiving meal. Then on Sunday we went to church and then had Erica's birthday party with the family at Incredible Pizza. She had a great time and loved getting to see all her favorite people again!

The cake that Nana made for her.

blowing out the candles

digging in! I guess she saw Graham get to have at his cake, so she decided to do the same! LOL

icing beard


Here is my favorite pic I took of her during her 4 year photo shoot.

Poor Graham. I guess with 2 sisters and another on the way, this is how he is destined to spend most of his childhood.

Natalie's soccer season has ended and we went to her end of season party last week. She enjoyed playing this season so much and I have no doubt we'll be back out there in the spring!

Here she is with her coach, getting her trophy.

And with her team

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Erica's 4th Birthday Party #1

Erica's actual birthday isn't until next Tuesday, but she's really getting the royal birthday treatment this year! She had a joint birthday party with a friend on Sunday. Then we'll be taking her to dinner next Tuesday for her birthday. Then we'll be having a party for her with family in Houston the Sunday after her birthday. It's about time she has a fuss made about her birthday. She always seemed to get the short end of the stick when it came to party planning. My friend Erika and I decided to have a joint party for our girls since they're birthdays are pretty close together and we were planning on inviting all the same people anyway. The girls decided they wanted a Disney Princess Party. It worked out great because Erika (this is a lot less confusing typed out since she spells her name different than my Erica) and I split the cost and details of the party. She took care of the food, I ordered the cakes. She bought and filled the pinata, I put together the goody bags, etc. There was a houseful of kids and I think EVERYONE had a really great time! I know the birthday girls did! I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but here are a few.

The birthday girls Madison and Erica

About half of the kids at the party

My favorite pic. I just think it looks so magical!