Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

**I know this is a week late, but I typed it all out last week, but wanted to wait til I could load pics, which didn't happen until today.**

I had a very busy Mother's Day.

It started off by "sleeping in" which quickly translated to "running late" lol.

We got to church just in time and it started with the baby dedication.


It was such a different experience for us. When we dedicated our other 3 children, we were still living in Houston and attending our small church there. There weren't many babies in the church, so they did baby dedications whenever the parents asked. So each of our kids was dedicated by themselves. Our new church here in San Antonio is much larger, and they offer baby dedications twice a year. On this particular Sunday, there were 17 children being dedicated during our service. We all lined up on stage (our whole crew in tow) and the pastor walked across the stage introducing each family/baby. Then his wife said a few words, and he prayed a prayer of dedication over all the children. It was still very special, but definitely very different than we had experienced before. The kids were so excited that their Meme, PawPaw, Uncle Jamie, Aunt Amy, and cousins Harley, Cian, and Aodhan were there! After church we all headed to our house for lunch (Rudy's BBQ). It was Pawpaw's 70th birthday, so we had cake and party hats to celebrate!





I also made a cake for Leah's dedication.



My mom was originally planning on coming and was going to make the cake (she made the cake for each of the other kids' dedications), but she ended up having to work and couldn't come. So I tried my best and think it turned out ok. A little lopsided but it did taste good! I definitely didn't inherit the cake decorating gene from her!


After everyone left, Eric cleaned up the kitchen and I went and took a nap. Happy Mother's Day to me!! Then we ate leftovers for dinner and I got to talk to my mom and wish her a happy mother's day too! I feel so blessed to have some wonderful moms in my life who are so special to me. They each teach me different things in their own ways, whether they realize it or not!

Here some randoms of my two littlest angels!

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