Monday, February 9, 2009

Totally Stolen Idea

So I am totally stealing this idea from my friend Jordan. There are some days when I just don't take any pics worth posting (or any pics at all) and don't have a whole lot to blog about. So on those days, I am going to just post one random picture from my photo archives. I'll just close my eyes and click!

So here's my pic for today. This is Natalie when she was 9 months old. We had *just* moved into our house and hadn't set up her bed or unpacked much of anything yet. She decided to take a nap in the middle of the living room floor. That girl's sleeping habits have always cracked me up!

And I just remembered I do have one humorous thing to blog about. So this evening, I was sitting on the couch holding a sleeping Graham while Eric and Natalie were sorting through and packing up all the movies and stuff from the entertainment center when I hear Erica crying in her room. I asked Eric to go check on her. He came back and told me about their conversation.
"Erica, what's wrong?"
"There's a button in my nose."
"There's a booger in your nose?"
"No, a button."
"A button???"
"Yes, up there." (pointing to her left nostril)
---Eric looks and can't see anything so he covers her right nostril and tells her to blow out her nose. Sure enough she snuffs a button out across the room!---

Said button

I do not know what possesses children to stick objects up their noses!

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