Friday, August 20, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

My kids say some darn funny things. And I wish I'd write them down sometimes. Erica's had a few pretty funny ones here recently that I thought I'd share.

As soon as walked in the door after our car accident Erica says "Going to the airport was a bad idea. It was a very bad idea. We should never go to the airport ever again."

Last night when Eric told Erica he was leaving to go pick up the rental car, she said to him, "Ok, but don't let a car bonk into you this time."

Erica got up from the kitchen table and she had a little brown *something* on her bottom, stuck to her shorts. I said, "Erica, you've got something stuck to your shorts." So she picks it off and EATS IT. Natalie goes, "ewwwww, what if it was a bug?" and Erica says, "It wasn't a bug!". And then I jokingly go, "what if it was poop!!" and she shrugs (as if to say, "oh well") and says "tasted like a brownie to me."

Oh these kids!

1 comment:

  1. That last one got me tickled! Don't kids just bring so much joy to the world?
