Thursday, July 23, 2009

9 weeks

I had my 9 week checkup yesterday and Beat is still doing great! He's (no I don't know if it's a boy or girl, and I don't really have any feelings one way or the other, but I have found myself saying he/him all.the.time with this one and I've never done that before *shrug*) growing perfectly and my due date has been confirmed for Feb. 22 (though once I see the fetal medicine dr., they may decide I need to be induced at 38w again like with Graham, which would put him coming around Feb. 8). Up until about a week ago I was still feeling pretty good. I had a touch of nausea, but nothing too bad at all. I've been super tired though. Well in the past week, the nausea has been kicked up a notch and I've gotten sick a couple times, but this is still by far the easiest first trimester I've ever had *KNOCK ON WOOD*. I will go back for another check-up in 4 weeks and will probably be seeing my specialist around then, or soon after, as well. I am not *showing* per se yet, though the bloat and all that fun stuff has set in, so I'm sure it won't be long until I'm sticking out a little extra there. Although I joke that I think I'm still "showing" from Graham. LOL Stayed tuned tomorrow (hopefully) for Graham's 9 month update!

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