Wednesday, July 29, 2009

9 months

Ok, so a week after I said I'd have this up, here it is. Graham is .75 years old. LOL

At 9 months old, Graham:
drinks formula from a bottle
eats baby food and other table foods (yogurt, cheerios, small bites of "people food")
sleeps about 11 hours straight at night
takes 2 naps, usually totaling around 3-4 hours
is wearing mostly 18 months clothes
wears a size 4 diaper
wears size 12-18 mos Robeez (soft soled shoes)
has 4 teeth (love his buck teeth smile! - which I just realized I don't have a good pic of, so I'll definitely be trying to get one this week!)
crawls at lightning speed
pulls up on anything (moving or not)
can stand as long as he's holding onto something, even with as little as one finger
can say MAMA!!!
is still in desperate need of a haircut, but I'm not giving in just yet

Here are some misc. pics from the past few weeks. I haven't taken many pics, and I hadn't even looked at any of these until today. I wish I could say that I'll be better, but I have a feeling with the upcoming move, things are gonna get a lot busier before they settle down again. I'll do my best at keeping you all updated though!

My attempt at a mohawk on Graham. Looks ok from the side.

Not as great from the front. That boy has some CRAZY hair!

Noah pulls it off much better!

Can you see how pouffy his hair is in the back? This is what I had to work with! LOL


I loved this Cheerio yawn!

Erica as Snow White


Erica put this cardboard box on her leg and said she was a pirate! So cute! (and creative!)



I just love my little nephew Noah!

And yes we still have Natalie lol. She just didn't happen to make it into any of the pics this time. But not to worry, she'll have a whole post dedicated to her pretty soon for her 6th birthday! I simply can't believe my BABY GIRL is about to turn 6 years old!

And the pregnancy is continuing to go really well. I have had minimal morning sickness, but lots of fatigue. I'm hoping in a few weeks I'll get some energy back.

And make sure you don't miss the house post just below this one!

1 comment:

  1. He gets cuter every month!
    Erica is adorable. I really love her outfit.
    I'm really glad your pregnancy is going so well!
