Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring Bucket List

Spring is almost here! We are having some warmer days and the weather lately has been just beautiful. I was thinking about how I made a Summer Bucket List last year and failed miserably at getting things checked off of it.

go to the Children's Museum
go to Sea World
have a water balloon fight
go to a Free Summer Movie half-check*
join a summer reading program check
go on a picnic
make wall art for the kids' rooms

Um, yeah. I did *buy* some wall art for the kids' rooms. Does that count? Maybe. Perhaps my Summer list was just too ambitious. I did have a small infant at the time afterall. So here is my new Spring Bucket List. Hopefully I will be able to cross more off before summer gets here.

Take pictures in the bluebonnets
Send the kids out to play in the backyard more than once a week (if the weather allows)
Take the kids to the park (this is something I used to do with Natalie and Erica all the time, but just get worn out at the thought of taking all 4)
Go to the Children's Museum
Go to the Zoo

Ok, I think that's it for now. I don't want to get over ambitious again. We'll see if I can actually keep up with this one!

1 comment:

  1. The topic for March's list has been posted. Can't wait to see what you come up with! To join the group, follow this link.
