Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Mommy Confessions

"I don't know how you do it." I get that a lot.

But frankly, there are many days where I'm just BARELY doing "it" - whatever "it" is in the first place.

I may appear to have it all together. I may appear to be the pinnacle of patience with my kids. It may appear that my kids are well-behaved, and that we have tons of fun together.

But those are all appearances.

Things are rarely so peachy keen.

I forget to do stuff all the time. I lose my patience with my kids DAILY (sometimes, hourly). My kids can act like spoiled little heathens. And there are times when the last thing I want to do is ANYTHING fun for them.

I think a reason that it seems like I have it all together, is because I try really hard to put a positive spin on things. I have found that it helps my mentality SO MUCH to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative.

I rarely blog about how dreadful the kids were today, or how angry I got at them, or how upset I am about this or that. Mainly because by the time I come to blog, I've moved on.

Looking back on my blog though, I see that it does appear I only blog about the good stuff. I seem to avoid blogging about the bad stuff. In fact, my friend Amy, just did a Mommy Confessions blog post the other day. I told her I was going to do my own, but I chickened out because I just didn't want to post my confessions for the world to see. I don't want to be judged. I used to be that very judgmental mom. The "I would NEVER..." or "my kids would NEVER..." mom. Well, you know what, I did, and my kids did too. A million times over. So... I'm going to face my fears, and post my Mommy Confessions! Well, some of them... baby steps, right?

*I gave Leah a bath today for the first time in over a week.

*I bought the "jeans" diapers for Graham.

*I had to pull out the belt today. Yes, we spank our kids. But I'm the on-the-spot hand spanker. Eric is the belt spanker. I hate pulling out the belt. I cried afterward.

*Leah still sleeps in her swing. And it has to be on full speed, with the music and light show going.

*My kids have eaten hot dogs or corndogs more times than I care to admit this week.

*Natalie has still not finished her 1st grade schoolwork because even though we took our long hiatus in the spring after Leah was born, I keep telling myself it's summer!

*I hate that I yell at my kids. I hate that I'm a yeller at all. I'm terrified of the teen years' screaming matches that are bound to ensue in this estrogen filled house.

*The last time I cleaned out the girls' room, I found dozens of food wrappers under their dresser. Apparently, they'd been sneaking food into their room for months.

I'm out. There are many many more, but they will have to wait for another day.


  1. Hey, I think this makes you seem more "normal"... like you don't have everything 100% perfect. Gives me knowledge that I can handle anything that comes our way once Baby #1 comes (let alone what comes after her!). LOVED this post. <3!

  2. You got guts girl!! My list is far too long, and that is just for today so far (its only 2:30)!

  3. OH, THANK YOU!!!!!! Sometimes we just need to know that we're not "the only ones!!!!" I know you posted this a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just doing my "rounds". Please continue...I can empathize with ALL of them, but especially the belt one, that's Dan's domain, and CRY when I have to do it! chicken nuggets, yelling and baby bathing(meaning first time in a week) could all be on my list today! Miss you girl!
